It’s a popular question among parents: How can I help my kids sleep better? The struggle is real. Not only does poor sleep affect their daily mood, health and ability to regulate themselves, but it can wreak havoc in the household, as exhausted parents attempt to function on inadequate sleep. We’ve got a special concept for you to consider as you navigate this path…
The 5 Senses
It seems simple enough, but when it comes to helping kids sleep better, use the 5 senses as a guide to help you create a good recipe for sleep.
Smell: Creating the right sleep atmosphere is the first step in helping kids sleep better. What does smell have to do with that? There is evidence to suggest that certain smells can induce a relaxed vibe, or better sleep, like lavender or rose scents. Fresh flowers, diffusers, lotions or bath salts can be a good way to add this into the mix.

Sound: Most of us know about “white noise” and its ability to envelop us in soothing sound, while blocking out distractions. This is easy enough with a white noise machine or a fan. Fabrics at the window can absorb noise, making bedrooms a more peaceful space. Look to drapery and certain types of window treatments, like honeycomb shades, that provide better sound absorption than others.

Taste: Each parent knows their child best, and it’s important to keep in mind how food can interfere or improve the sleep in your household. Eating certain foods too close to bedtime can interrupt sleep, while other bedtime snacks might help them stay asleep longer.

Sight: Most adults understand that bright light interferes with good sleep. But, it requires a little more attention than that. Kids can awaken at the smallest distracting light, and once they’re awake, everyone’s awake. Because many children cannot fall back to sleep once they’ve been woken up in the middle of the night, or in the morning, protecting the lighting environment of their bedrooms is a high priority. Light entering around the shades can be an issue–depending on how large the gap is & which direction the windows face. Some parents like to add draperies along the edges to block out that “halo” of light. Others opt to seal out the light with the LightLock feature.

Touch: The comfort of materials used in the bedroom can have a huge impact on helping kids sleep better. Sometimes, that means keeping them warm and cozy. Other times, you’ll need them to stay cool. In general, bedroom temperatures should be less than 75º. When using the right fabrics, your room darkening shades and curtains can also contribute to maintaining a comfortable temperature. By blocking hot afternoon rays, or the chill of winter, the right sleep atmosphere can stay consistent.

Kids Sleep Better…With the Right Window Coverings!
We’ve heard positive results from so many families about the power of our room darkening shades. When kids sleep better, life improves for everyone! Let our At Home Blinds & Decor team help you create the right atmosphere in the bedrooms of your Fort Myers area home. Get in touch for your FREE in-home consultation.